by: Chelsea Glover-Jordan
When people hear the term “main character energy”, what do you think they mean? Do you think it refers to an aura of undeniable conceited energy? Do you believe it may be referring to being aware of who you are and what you lend to any given situation or interpersonal dynamics? I would say as a millennial, it is the latter. Millennials have been unofficially dubbed groundbreakers and narrative “defy”ers. We have essentially experienced the span of many moons and lifetimes during the duration of our short existence on Earth. We have survived mass devastation to include recessions, a pandemic, a plethora of ravaging viruses, and 9/11, all while trying to figure out who we are and where we fit into the world. Not to mention, the generational curse breaking aspect of it. We have begun to break down barriers that have for so long, had our ancestors in a chokehold. This includes “checking” family when they need to be checked, not simply offering respect to elders only because of their ages but because the respect has been earned and amongst other things, creating our own traditions and narratives for the families we continue to build in spite of the families we were born into.

According to, the main character is the “hero or protagonist, is usually the most important character in the story”. In this case, the “story” is your life and although you are not living a work of fiction, when you think about it, all the elements of a good “storyline” are present in your life. You have characters who are essentially friends, family members, acquaintances, and even the ladies chatting in the coffee shop you just entered as you cross paths with complete strangers for a fleeting moment. The “setting” is wherever you want it to be. It can be your hometown or in the city with big lights and grand opportunities or anywhere else in between. The “theme” can be reflected in your daily routine and the overarching goals and experiences. This may include your habits, values, beliefs, and goals while also taking into account how your behaviors align [or not] to those things. Then there is “conflict”. Live long enough, and there will always be a level of conflict in your life. You have “resolution” of that conflict, I would imagine that represents some happy times in your story (life). I can go on and on but you get the point.
When aspiring to live up to the potential of your main character energy, there must be a few things taken into account. These things will assist in better emotional regulation with an elevated quality in mental health.
1. Gratitude- Show appreciation for things that are going well in order to attract more abundance. This also helps shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundant one.
2. Facets- We are not one dimensional. What makes up our identity is how multi-faceted we are. These fundamental building blocks of who we are tell the story of us, while providing to the world and ourselves the narratives we want to exude in any form of language.
3. Mindset- How can we reframe and shift our thinking to focus on things we know to be true versus the things that are perceived, the things that cause anxiety and make us feel uncomfortable? Let’s recognize and live a narrative that creates balance between emotion and logic.
4. Hobbies and Interests- Understanding what replenishes you after you replenish others prevents burnout and resentment. It can also create happiness and contentment in chaos.
5. Values- What do we hold true to be important to us? These factors provide a roadmap to how we live our lives. When doing anything, be sure that your actions and words are aligned and attuned to the values that are important to you. Are you establishing your own values or are you perpetuating a narrative of values that focus on more traditional/generational ways of living?
6. Advocate and Assert- Teach others how to treat you. Advocate for yourself when necessary and assert your predetermined boundaries. The criteria for this way of life should be a living narrative. It should evolve as you evolve and should exemplify who you want others to see you as even without you having to explicitly tell others what it is. How do you want others to describe you when you are not around?
Overall making you the best version of you possible in spite of all the mess that goes on in our world and that continues to go on. Please become aware of the aforementioned. If you need to improve or pivot in any area, please do. Your therapist may also help you put some things into perspective.